Do you live in or near Miami? Where is the party at?
2006-04-09 17:44:53 UTC
I'm looking to move. I don't want to live in Miami, but I want to live close to South Beach. Any suggestions on where I could find aparments but still be a hop, skip and a jump away from the partying, beaches and bars? How's Ft. Lauderdale?
Three answers:
Monika Lewinskeeze
2006-04-09 17:48:21 UTC
It's called the Miami Herald classifieds. Expect to pay the big bucks for an Apt. in South Beach. Ft. Lauderdale is getting better, but still sucks.
2006-04-10 00:51:15 UTC
I lived in Miami for 2 years, Ft Lauderdale 2 and a half. I loved Lauderdale. But I lived in a house. Nothing will be cheap.

I like Ft Lauderdale's beaches better than South Beach.
Android 16
2006-04-10 00:49:04 UTC
well i dont live in miami but i do live in polk county. im a floridian too. far as parties. if you are up to the drive. club paris is pretty fun.

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