Can you send an unaccompnied piece of luggage on a Greyhound bus?
2006-02-04 18:13:54 UTC
Can you send an unaccompnied piece of luggage on a Greyhound bus?
Three answers:
2006-02-04 18:17:31 UTC
i belive you can but i wouldn't advise it they did not give me proper tags for my laggauge and when i asked for a pen to put my own tags on it i was not told how to fill it out and now my luggaage has yet to get here
2006-02-04 18:19:54 UTC
I actually have seen greyhound deliver a package unattended... "blood" samples for a hospital in Minnesota. It was just sitting on the front seat, I asked the driver and he said it was going to be dropped off at a clinc in the Twin Cities. 0dd.
2006-02-04 18:16:59 UTC
unaccompanied...freight accepted.

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