What kind of transportsation was used in the 1700- thorugh 1800's ?
2006-04-05 10:44:43 UTC
What kind of transportsation was used in the 1700- thorugh 1800's ?
Four answers:
2006-04-05 10:48:04 UTC
The horse was the primary mode of transportation throughout that period. However, the train was developed in the late 1700's and grew to dominate long distance transportation.
2006-04-06 18:20:52 UTC
Volkswagon Jettas, little known fact, the Jetta was invented in 1704 and used widely throughout the US.

2006-04-06 00:20:06 UTC
Shoe leather...walking was often the way people got from one place to another.
2006-04-10 23:51:29 UTC
horses atached to wagons

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